- DEN11-424
- Sodalite Var. Hackmanite
- Pitawak Mine, Kokscha Valley, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan
- Miniature, 4.4 x 4.2 x 3.4 cm
- $5,500.00 Payment Plan Available
An intense, saturated purple color so deep and vibrant that one's first thought is that the color is faked with food coloring or dyes. The crystal is sharp and well formed on front, contacted on the back, although 3-dimensional enough to display well. These crystals tend to occur embedded in the marbles of the location, and seldom do you get a pocket crystal that formed in an open space, and thus has better luster and form than most. This piece, however, grew in such a manner, which partly explains why it looks so different from the vast majority of generally more pale, worn-looking examples from this locality (which has now produced the world's best of species). I have handled a few others which cost more money, some bigger and some smaller. However, for sheer color saturation, this one is hands down the winner. Joe Budd photos