Calcite with Barite (Ref: 1451130)
Elmwood mine, Smith Co., Tennessee, USA
140mm x 85mm x 80mm
A classic specimen from this locality, an attractive twinned grouping of amber colored scalenohedral calcite crystals with little attached matrix. Colorless crystallized barite is present around the base of the crystal grouping. Very minimal micro-cleaving present, this still in good condition.From: Weinrich Minerals
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See Also
Calcite with Barite
Meikle Mine, Bootstrap District, near Carlin, Elko County, Nevada, USA
70mm x 56mm x 46mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Calcite with Barite
Montreal mine, Iron Co., Wisconsin, USA
70mm x 60mm x 50mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Barite on Calcite
Elk Creek, near Dalzell, Meade County, South Dakota, USA
35mm x 33mm x 30mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Calcite on Baryte
Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Smith Co., Tennessee, USA
140mm x 120mm x 90mm
From: The Arkenstone
Barite with Calcite
Sa Corona 'e Sa Crava, Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
85mm x 80mm x 50mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Fluorite with Calcite and Barite
Annabel Lee Mine, Cave-in-Rock District, Hardin County, Illinois, USA
72mm x 50mm x 44mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Calcite, Barite, Goethite
El Hammam Mine, Meknes, Morocco
122mm x 109mm x 50mm
From: Globe Minerals
Baryte, Calcite, Chalcedony.
Planalto, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
$1440 *
96mm x 76mm x 60mm
From: A Bijoux
Calcite + Sphalerite.
Elmwood mine, Carthage, Tennessee, USA
$677 *
100mm x 70mm x 40mm
From: A Bijoux
Dioptase with Calcite
Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA
25mm x 15mm x 10mm
From: Marin Minerals
Silver with Barite, Acanthite (5.9 troy oz. Ag)
49 stope, 9700 level, Bulldog Mountain mine, Creede, Mineral Co., Colorado, USA
105mm x 90mm x 5mm
From: Weinrich Minerals