Smithsonite with Galena, Sphalerite
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Smithsonite with Galena, Sphalerite (Ref: 1382020)

Tsumeb mine, Otjikoto, Namibia
85mm x 50mm x 40mm
Translucent pink crystals of smithsonite measuring to 0.5 cm in size across the front of this massive galena and sphalerite matrix. In good condition with slight micro-cleaving present.Sorry. This specimen has been sold. Please view alternatives below.

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All photos for this item are copyright © Weinrich Minerals and may not be used for any other purpose without permission.

See Also

Smithsonite with Pyrite, Sphalerite, Galena
Tsumeb mine, Otjikoto, Namibia
55mm x 45mm x 40mm
Smithsonite with Sphalerite, Galena
Tsumeb mine, Otjikoto, Namibia
55mm x 45mm x 45mm
Smithsonite with Galena, Sphalerite
Tsumeb mine, Otjikoto, Namibia
70mm x 55mm x 20mm
Smithsonite with Pyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz
Tsumeb mine, Otjikoto, Namibia
60mm x 40mm x 40mm
Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite
9th of September Mine, Madan, Bulgaria
70mm x 60mm x 40mm
Galena with Quartz, Sphalerite
9th of September Mine, Madan, Bulgaria
80mm x 45mm x 40mm
Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite
9th of September Mine, Madan, Bulgaria
55mm x 45mm x 30mm
Galena with Sphalerite
Planioles mine, Planioles, Figeac, Lot, Occitanie, France
50mm x 40mm x 20mm
Sphalerite & Galena
Rosh Pinah Mine | Rosh Pinah | Oranjemund | Lüderitz District | Namibia
$374 *
100mm x 68mm x 49mm
Siderite with Galena and Sphalerite
Eagle Mine, Gilman District, Eagle County, Colorado, USA
115mm x 78mm x 77mm
Galena with Sphalerite
9th of September Mine, Madan, Bulgaria
70mm x 55mm x 25mm
Sphalerite ( var. Cleophane ) and Galena on Quartz
Deveti Septemvri (9th of September) mine, Madan ore field, Rhodope Mts, Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria
123mm x 97mm x 65mm
Galena on Sphalerite, with Ankerite, Pyrite, and Chalcopyrite
Eagle Mine, Gilman District, Eagle County, Colorado, USA
195mm x 148mm x 72mm
9th Septemvri mine (Deveti Septemvri mine), Madan ore field, Rhodope Mts, Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria
100mm x 101mm x 57mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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