Emerald on Quartz from Colombia
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Emerald on Quartz from Colombia (Ref: TA25-MUZO)

Muzo Mine, Boyaca Dept., Colombia 
21mm x 47mm x 15mm
Here is a great quartz & emerald combo from the famous Muzo Mine in Colombia. The glassy, clear quartz crystal is flanked by two green emerald crystals. The thicker crystal is over 8mm in diameter while the thinner one is 1.7cm long.
Data last checked on 1st Mar 2025 - specimen may no longer be available

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See Also

Emerald on Quartz
Swat Dist., Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prov., Pakistan
50mm x 40mm x 20mm
Fluorite on Fluorite on Quartz
De'An Fluorite Mine, Wushan, De'An Co., Jiujiang, Jiangxi Prov., China
100mm x 90mm x 50mm
Cuprian Adamite on Quartz
Kamariza Mines, Lavrion, Attica, Greece
90mm x 40mm x 30mm
Rhodonite with Quartz
San Martin Mine (1991 pocket), Chiurucu, Ancash, Peru
40mm x 40mm x 20mm
Lollingite on Arsenopyrite with Sphalerite and Quartz
Huanggang Mines, Hexigten Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China
100mm x 70mm x 40mm
Brazilianite on Quartz
Corrego Frio mine, Linopolis, Divino das Laranjeiras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
50mm x 40mm x 30mm
Malachite with Quartz
Mindingi mine, Kambove, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo
185mm x 80mm x 40mm
Malachite with Quartz
Mindingi mine, Kambove, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo
200mm x 130mm x 95mm
Molybdenite on Quartz
Crown Point Mine, Chelan Co., Washington, USA
80mm x 60mm x 50mm
Fluorite with Quartz and Laumontite
Shizhuyuan Mine, Dongpo ore field, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China
180mm x 100mm x 40mm
Elbaite on Quartz
Pederneira Mine | São José da Safira | Minas Gerais | Brazil
$4811 *
53mm x 36mm x 33mm
Cinnabar on Quartz with Dolomite (1990s)
Tongren Mine, Bijiang Dist., Tongren, Guizhou, China
90mm x 80mm x 20mm
Fluorite and Quartz
Nikolaevskiy Mine, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia
70mm x 50mm x 30mm
Bournonite on Quartz
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China
90mm x 50mm x 40mm
Quartz on Chrysocolla ps. Malachite ps. Azurite
Live Oak pit, Inspiration Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA
100mm x 70mm x 40mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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