Cuprite (Ref: CUP16-07)
Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico
80mm x 60mm x 20mm
minID: ERA-A3T
This is a Cuprite from Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico. A brilliantly lustrous small cabinet sized specimen from the January 2016 pocket at Milpillas, showing intense cherry-red color when lit well, and metallic luster throughout.From: The Arkenstone
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All photos for this item are copyright © The Arkenstone and may not be used for any other purpose without permission.
See Also
Cuprite with Malachite
Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Lualaba, DR Congo
75mm x 35mm x 30mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Lualaba, DR Congo
25mm x 21mm x 15mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Malachite after Cuprite with Azurite
Chessy-les-Mines, Rhone, Rhone-Alpes, France
40mm x 25mm x 25mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Milpillas mine, Municipio de Santa Cruz, Sonora, Mexico
83mm x 65mm x 20mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Lualaba, DR Congo
35mm x 27mm x 9mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Cuprite with Chrysocolla
Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Lualaba, DR Congo
60mm x 50mm x 35mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi, Lualaba, DR Congo
27mm x 20mm x 13mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Malachite ps. after Cuprite
Andrassy Mines, Rudabanya, Rudabanyai Mountains, Hungary
50mm x 40mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone