Kipushite specimens
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Veszelyite with Kipushite
Palabanda quarries, Mfouati Dist., Bouenza Dept., Republic of the Congo
60mm x 60mm x 60mm
From: The Arkenstone
Veszelyite, kipushite, hemimorphite
Palabanda, M`fouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of the Congo
62mm x 58mm x 32mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Veszelyite, kipushite, hemimorphite
Palabanda, M`fouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of the Congo
61mm x 45mm x 19mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Veszelyite, kipushite, hemimorphite
Palabanda, M`fouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of the Congo
147mm x 110mm x 37mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Veszelyite, kipushite
Palabanda, M`fouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of the Congo
24mm x 17mm x 8mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Kipushite, hemimorphite
Palabanda, M`fouati District, Bouenza Department, Republic of the Congo
78mm x 49mm x 21mm
From: Spirifer Minerals