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Triple Japan Law Quartz from Peru
Flor de Peru Claim, Huancavelica, Peru
70mm x 74mm x 64mm
Pyrite with Quartz
Fengjiashan Mine, Daye Co., Hubei, China
165mm x 150mm x 100mm
Xikuangshan mine, Loudi, Hunan, China
230mm x 180mm x 30mm
Palazuelos de las Cuevas, Zamora, Spain
35mm x 30mm x 20mm
Concesion Beltraneja, Cortijuelo mines, Bacares, Almeria, Spain
60mm x 40mm x 22mm
Quartz, Calcite
Greely Quartz Occurrence, Osgoode Township, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
27mm x 23mm x 17mm
Wagholi, Pune District (Poonah District), Maharashtra, India
13mm x 11mm x 11mm
Rutile with Hematite
Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil
25mm x 20mm x 4mm
Gross Otavi Mine | Otavi | Otjozondjupa Region | Namibia
$421 *
55mm x 51mm x 46mm
Brookite & Quartz
Zard Mt. | Ras Koh Mts. | Kharan | Balochistan | Pakistan
$1083 *
59mm x 42mm x 37mm
Cinnabar with Dolomite
Yunchangping Mine, Dadongla, Bijiang, Tongren, Guizhou, China
70mm x 50mm x 35mm
Fluorite with Sphalerite
Milpo Mine, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Peru
67mm x 67mm x 30mm
Filon Roc Soufrat, Salsigne mine, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
160mm x 25mm x 22mm
Tsumeb mine, Otjikoto, Namibia
65mm x 50mm x 30mm
Tongbei, Yunxiao Co., Zhangzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, China
27mm x 26mm x 21mm
Rutile with Hematite
Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil
21mm x 19mm x 5mm
Moscona Mine, Solis, Llanera, Asturias, Spain
140mm x 90mm x 20mm
Mt Xuebaoding, Ping Wu, Sichuan Prov., China
48mm x 48mm x 40mm
Concesion Beltraneja, Cortijuelo mines, Bacares, Almeria, Spain
250mm x 150mm x 35mm
Fase 6, level 130-135, Las Cruces mine, Sevilla, Spain
30mm x 22mm x 4mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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