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Fluorite with Pyrite
Milpo Mine, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Peru
35mm x 35mm x 25mm
Azkarate quarry, Eugui, Navarra, Spain
45mm x 40mm x 25mm
Tonglushan mine, Daye Co., Huangshi, Hubei, China
105mm x 70mm x 50mm
Mundo Nuevo Mine, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sanchez Carrion Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
41mm x 29mm x 30mm
Malachite with Quartz
Mindingi mine, Kambove, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo
125mm x 105mm x 45mm
Malachite ps. Calcite
Brazzaville, Rep. of Congo
75mm x 40mm x 25mm
Concesion Beltraneja, Cortijuelo mines, Bacares, Almeria, Spain
90mm x 55mm x 20mm
Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain
47mm x 21mm x 18mm
Hematite & Rutile
Mörchnerkar | Zemmgrund | Zillertal | Tyrol | Austria
$421 *
39mm x 29mm x 23mm
Emerald on Quartz w/ Pyrite from Colombia
La Pita Mine, Maripi, Boyaca Deptartment, Colombia
77mm x 49mm x 54mm
La Minilla mine, Garlitos, Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain
100mm x 40mm x 23mm
Ketuti | Mahenge | Morogoro Region | Tanzania
$542 *
36mm x 34mm x 24mm
Xiejiachun, Gongcheng Co., Guangxi, China
90mm x 60mm x 30mm
Fluorite with Quartz
De'an fluorite mine, Wushan, De'an Co., Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China
210mm x 180mm x 70mm
Teutonia Mine, Misburg, Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
55mm x 50mm x 25mm
Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico
45mm x 40mm x 30mm
Cavradi gorge, Curnera Valley, Tujetsch, Vorderrhein Valley, Grischun, Switzerland
56mm x 26mm x 16mm
Ferberite with Quartz, Muscovite
Yaogangxian mine, Chenzhou, Hunan, China
45mm x 40mm x 20mm
Scheelite with Quartz
Pingwu mine, Huya, Pingwu Co., Mianyang, Sichuan, China
370mm x 130mm x 50mm
Barite with Fluorite
Xiefang mine, Ruijin Co., Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China
120mm x 90mm x 50mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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