
Mineral Specimens from Mineral Classics

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Fluorapatite with Actinolite (var: Byssolite) inclusions
Ganadao (Gandahab), Mohmand Agency, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan
46mm x 39mm x 27mm
Quartz “cast” after Anhydrite
Ouray County, Colorado
92mm x 75mm x 42mm
Copper / (leaf-like specimen)
Corocoro District, Pacajes Province, La Paz Department, Bolivia
93mm x 91mm x 20mm
Tourmaline / (Fluor-Liddicoatite) / Localité - Vohitrakanga pegmatite, Région de Vakinankaratra, Province d’Antananarivo, Madagascar
Vohitrakanga pegmatite, Betafo District, Vakinankaratra Region, Antananarivo Province, Madagascar
36mm x 7mm x 7mm
Pyrite on Sphalerite
#3 Ore Body, 1250’ Level, Black Cloud Mine, Iowa Gulch, Leadville, Lake County, Colorado
46mm x 34mm x 28mm
Prehnite finger cast after Anhydrite with Calcite
Prospect Park Quarry (Sowerbutt Quarry; Vandermade Quarry; Warren Brothers Quarry), Prospect Park, Passaic County, New Jersey
46mm x 45mm x 41mm
Cerro Huanaquino, Potosí Department, Bolivia
51mm x 45mm x 18mm
Petalite (rare color/rare matrix specimen)
Palelni mine (Kat Chay mine), Kyaukme District, Shan State, Myanmar (Burma)" />
48mm x 36mm x 27mm
Copper /(Spinel-twins and crystals)
Rocklands Mine, Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia
31mm x 11mm x 10mm
Opale / (variété - « Opal-AN ») / (variété - « Hyalite Opal ») / (« Blood Vessel Opal ») / Localité - San Luis Potosi, Mexique
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
72mm x 51mm x 21mm
Eagle Mine, Gilman, Eagle County, Colorado
20mm x 18mm x 14mm
Cuivre (excellent « Spinel »-twin et « hoppered » cristaux)
Rocklands Mine, Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia
$2038 *
Diopside (Chromian Diopside - GEMMY) (ex Richard A. Kosnar Collection) / Outokumpu Deposit, Finland
Outokumpu Deposit, Outokumpu Cu-Co-Zn-Ni-Ag-Au ore field, Eastern Finland Region, Finland
43mm x 34mm x 16mm
Kharan District, Balochistan, Pakistan
38mm x 37mm x 28mm
Boracite / (rare color)
Alto Chapare District, Chapare Province, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia
55mm x 53mm x 27mm
San Jose Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
68mm x 49mm x 13mm
Siglo XX Mine (Siglo Veinte Mine), Llallagua, Bustillo Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
23mm x 20mm x 17mm
Sphalerite with Quartz
#3 Ore Body, 1250’ Level, Black Cloud Mine, Iowa Gulch, Leadville, Lake County, Colorado
57mm x 53mm x 44mm
Ludlamite with Siderite on Pyrite
Huanuni mine, Huanuni, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
32mm x 19mm x 17mm
Copper / (leaf-like specimen)
Corocoro District, Pacajes Province, La Paz Department, Bolivia
87mm x 51mm x 13mm
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* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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