Mineral Specimens from GreatCrystals.com
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Vinarice, Kladno, Central Bohemia, Czech Repubic
14mm x 6mm x 10mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Mount Brussilof.BayMag Mine, Near Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada
9mm x 30mm x 6mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Tourmaline var: Schorl
Erongo mountains, Erongo region, Namibia
26mm x 36mm x 27mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Mashamba West Mine, Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo
70mm x 57mm x 58mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Red Cloud Mine, Yuma County, Arizona, U.S.A.
29mm x 19mm x 5mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Native Silver Wire
Beaverdell Silver Mine, Beaverdell, British Columbai, Canada
From: GreatCrystals.com
Yao Gan Xian Mine, Yi Zhang County, Hunan Province, China
42mm x 36mm x 36mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Charcas, Mun. de Charcas, San Luis de Potosi, Mexico
17mm x 43mm x 11mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Morro Velho Mine, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil
66mm x 49mm x 46mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Idrialite var: Curtisite
Skaggs Spring Mine, Warm Springs Dam, Coast Range, Sonoma County, California
64mm x 24mm x 18mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Hagendorf South Pegmatite, Hagendorf, Vohenstraub, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Waidhaus, Germany
28mm x 16mm x 14mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Mindola Open Pit Mine, Near Kitwe, Zambia
43mm x 54mm x 39mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
Blue Grotto Prospect, La Sal,San Juan County , Utah, U.S. A.
54mm x 60mm x 26mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
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