Orlymanite (Ref: Orlymanwess)
Wessels Mine, Kalahare Manganese Fields, South Africa
Light tan radiating botryoidal crystal groups from the Type Location, Wessels mine, S. AfricaData last checked on 23rd Apr 2023 - specimen may no longer be available
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From: GreatCrystals.com
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See Also
Olmiite with Calcite
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
$54 *
42mm x 33mm x 25mm
From: Taranis Minerals
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
$54 *
53mm x 33mm x 18mm
From: Taranis Minerals
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
$60 *
43mm x 28mm x 35mm
From: Taranis Minerals
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
$72 *
70mm x 63mm x 20mm
From: Taranis Minerals
N`Chwaning mines, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa
28mm x 17mm x 16mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
crystallized SUGILITE
NChwaning Mines, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, South Africa
10mm x 7mm x 6mm
From: Quebul Fine Minerals
Wessels mine, N\'Chwanning, Kalahari Mn Fields, Republic of South Africa
35mm x 22mm x 20mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
NChwaning Mines, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
25mm x 20mm x 25mm
From: Quebul Fine Minerals
Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
50mm x 40mm x 25mm
From: Marin Minerals
Olmiite with Oyelite and Calcite
N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields
, South Africa
$217 *
63mm x 42mm x 18mm
From: Taranis Minerals
N\'Chwanning #2 mine, Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Fields, S. Africa
38mm x 28mm x 31mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
N\'Chwanning #2 mine, Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Fields, S. Africa
29mm x 44mm x 22mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
N\'Chwanning #2 mine, Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Fields, S. Africa
42mm x 8mm x 13mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
N\'Chwanning mine, Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Fields, S. Africa
24mm x 43mm x 31mm
From: GreatCrystals.com
calcite and garnets
N\'Chwanning #3 mine, Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Fields, S. Africa
64mm x 62mm x 50mm
From: GreatCrystals.com