Gaidonnayite on Smoky Quartz (Ref: 6059)
Poudrette Quarry | Mont Saint Hilaire | Montérégie | Québec | Canada
41mm x 29mm x 27mm
$267 *
Gaidonnayite is a highly rare Sodium-Zirconium silicate and the orthorombic dimorph (the same chemical composition but with different crystalline structures) of the monoclinic species Catapleiite. In this case, translucent, cream white Gaidonnayite crystal clusters are perched very contrastingly on a doubly terminated, equally lustrous Smoky Quartz crystal. The piece comes from the TYPE LOCALITY for the species, the Poudrette Quarry near Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada. Collecting here has been severely restricted since the change of ownership in 2007. Only a few collecting trips per year to small groups of registered members of the Montreal Mineral Club who are selected by lottery are permitted. Due to these restrictions, there are practically no new good pieces like this one coming onto the market anymore.Data last checked on 22nd Feb 2025 - specimen may no longer be available
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From: Wendel Minerals
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See Also
Apatite & Smoky Quartz
Grupo Embeiral Quarry | Sezures | Penalva do Castelo | Mangualde | Viseu | Portugal
$481 *
48mm x 35mm x 23mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Bertrandite & Smoky Quartz
Grupo Embeiral Quarry | Sezures | Penalva do Castelo | Mangualde | Viseu | Portugal
$909 *
105mm x 41mm x 36mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Smoky Quartz + Orthoclase.
Saint-Chély-d'Apcher, Lozère, France
$169 *
64mm x 59mm x 42mm
From: A Bijoux
Smokey Quartz
Anderson's Gully, Moorella, Victoria, Australia
75mm x 55mm x 40mm
From: Marin Minerals
Spessartine, Smoky Quartz, Hyalite Opal, Feldspar
Wushan Mine, Fujian Province, China
139mm x 79mm x 40mm
From: Globe Minerals
Sceptred Amethyst and smokey quartz
Goboboseb Mountains, Brandberg District, Namibia
21mm x 54mm x 17mm
Poudrette Quarry | Mont Saint Hilaire | Montérégie | Québec | Canada
$695 *
24mm x 20mm x 13mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Albite, smoky quartz POLAND
Andrzej III quarry, Strzegom, Lower Silesia, Poland
26mm x 26mm x 18mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Spessartine, Smoky Quartz, Microcline
Wushan Mine, Fujian Province, China
99mm x 93mm x 40mm
From: Globe Minerals
Smoky Quartz on Garnet
Huanggangliang mine, Keshiketeng Qi, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia, China
70mm x 40mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone