Superbe cristal alexandrite jumelé classique aux couleurs changeantes - Brésil
Superbe cristal alexandrite jumelé classique aux couleurs changeantes - Brésil Superbe cristal alexandrite jumelé classique aux couleurs changeantes - Brésil
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Superbe cristal alexandrite jumelé classique aux couleurs changeantes - Brésil (Ref: 1746108399)

18mm x 17mm x 7mm
L'Alexandrite est l'un des minéraux/variétés d'espèces à changement de couleur les plus connus qui existent encore. En fait, lorsque nous nous référons à d'autres minéraux/variétés dont la couleur change, le terme effet « type alexandrite » est souvent utilisé pour décrire le change
Data last checked on 2nd Feb 2025 - specimen may no longer be available

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See Also

Novello Mine, Masvingo District, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
20mm x 19mm x 9mm
Novello Mine, Masvingo District, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
19mm x 16mm x 8mm
Superbe cristal alexandrite jumelé classique aux couleurs changeantes - Brésil
$753 *
21mm x 18mm x 8mm
Novello Mine, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
37mm x 32mm x 12mm
Viboras Mine, Machacamarca, Machacamarca District (Colavi District), Cornelio Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
42mm x 26mm x 25mm
Augelite with Quartz and Jamesonite(?)
Machacamarca Mine, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
102mm x 70mm x 23mm
Ludlamite on Limonite and Pyrite
Huanuni mine, Huanuni, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
52mm x 47mm x 19mm
Tomokoni adit, near Canutillos, Colavi, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
48mm x 27mm x 11mm
Vauxite (outstanding color!)
Siglo XX Mine (Siglo Veinte Mine), Llallagua, Bustillo Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia (TYPE LOCALITY)
33mm x 26mm x 14mm
Cassiterite with Quartz
Huanuni mine, Huanuni, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
41mm x 30mm x 28mm
Andorite with Zinkenite on matrix
San Jose Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
70mm x 46mm x 28mm
San Jose Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
57mm x 26mm x 18mm
Brookite on Quartz
Kharan District, Balochistan, Pakistan
23mm x 22mm x 12mm
Calcite with Malachite and Azurite
Copper Rivet mine, Mesa County, Colorado
168mm x 97mm x 57mm
Pyrite “horseshoe” with Siderite on Sphalerite
Eagle Mine, Gilman, Eagle County, Colorado
81mm x 73mm x 42mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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