Green Beryl (polished slice).
Green Beryl (polished slice). Green Beryl (polished slice).
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Green Beryl (polished slice). (Ref: SKU033702)

Tsaramasoandro, Analamanga, Madagascar
21mm x 17mm x 3mm
minID: VF2-2K8
Green Beryl (polished slice) from Tsaramasoandro, Ankazobe District, Analamanga, Madagascar Comes with certificate of authenticity Average Weight (Carats): 11.83 ct Dimension (mm) : 21 x 17 x 3 mm Réf. : SKU033702
From: A Bijoux
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All photos for this item are copyright © A Bijoux and may not be used for any other purpose without permission.

See Also

Beryl / Localité - Estatoby, Vallée de Sahatany, Champ de Pegmatite de Sahatany, Région de Vakinankaratra, Province d’Antananarivo, Madagascar
Estatoby, Sahatany Valley, Sahatany Pegmatite Field, Vakinankaratra Region, Antananarivo Province, Madagascar
52mm x 8mm x 7mm
Mandrosonoro, Bongolava, Madagascar
30mm x 15mm x 11mm
Beryl (etched). 17.06 ct.
Sahatany Valley, Ibity, Madagascar
$423 *
From: A Bijoux
Beryl (etched). 19.86 ct.
Sahatany Valley, Ibity, Madagascar
$423 *
From: A Bijoux
Beryl var. bixbite
Starvation Canyon, Juab Co., Utah, USA
8mm x 7mm x 6mm
Euclase after Beryl
Mishek, Mwami, Karoi, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
21mm x 14mm x 12mm
Beryl / (variety - “Aquamarine”)
Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho
17mm x 9mm x 9mm
Beryl var. Aquamarine
Quy Chau District, Nghe An Province, Vietnam
29mm x 6mm x 6mm
Mandrosonoro, Bongolava, Madagascar
21mm x 13mm x 10mm
Mandrosonoro, Bongolava, Madagascar
17mm x 16mm x 11mm
Beryl var. Aquamarine (etched)
Itatia Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil
65mm x 50mm x 30mm
Thuong Xuan, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam
42mm x 7mm x 7mm
Thuong Xuan, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam
41mm x 8mm x 6mm
Euclase after Beryl
Mishek, Mwami, Karoi, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
50mm x 30mm x 15mm
Euclase after Beryl
Mishek, Mwami, Karoi, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
35mm x 22mm x 18mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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