Forsterite specimens
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Almklovdalen, Vanylven, More og Romsdal, Norway
65mm x 35mm x 25mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Almklovdalen, Vanylven, More og Romsdal, Norway
57mm x 50mm x 40mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Almklovdalen, Vanylven, More og Romsdal, Norway
110mm x 65mm x 30mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Forsterite Var. Peridot (Rough & Cut Set)
St. John's Island (Zebirget), now under the Red Sea, Egypt
20mm x 10mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Almklovdalen, Vanylven, More og Romsdal, Norway
52mm x 30mm x 21mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Forsterite var. Peridot
Sapat Gali, Mansehra Dist., Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prov., Pakistan
30mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone
Forsterite var. Peridot
Sapat Gali, Mansehra Dist., Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prov., Pakistan
30mm x 10mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Forsterite olivine
Sapat Gali, Naran, Mansehra District, Pakistan
24mm x 17mm x 13mm
From: Spirifer Minerals
Almklovdalen, Vanylven, More og Romsdal, Norway
65mm x 50mm x 40mm
From: Weinrich Minerals
Forsterite var. Peridot
Sapat Gali, Naran, Kaghan Valley, Mansehra District, Pakistan
$96 *
16mm x 10mm x 8mm
From: Taranis Minerals
Forsterite var. Peridot with Magnetite
Sapat Gali, Naran, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
50mm x 30mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone
Lazurite (TL) and Forsterite
Sar-e-Sang District, Koksha Valley, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan (TL)
30mm x 30mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone