
Phenakite specimens

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Volyn deposit, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
22mm x 17mm x 9mm
Phenakite ANTERO, USA!
Mt Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado, USA
15mm x 14mm x 10mm
Phenakite, quartz ANTERO, USA!
Mt Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado, USA
18mm x 13mm x 13mm
Volyn deposit, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
23mm x 15mm x 9mm
Khetchel, Malo, near Momeik, Myanmar
9mm x 6mm x 5mm
Rio Piracicaba, Carai, Minas Gerais, Brazil
20mm x 18mm x 11mm
Phenakite, quartz ANTERO, USA!
Mt Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado, USA
13mm x 8mm x 6mm
Rio Piracicaba (Sao Miguel de Piracicaba), Minas Gerais, Brazil
6mm x 6mm x 4mm
Khetchel, Malo, near Momeik, Myanmar
10mm x 6mm x 5mm
Phenakite with Smokey Quartz
Khetchel, Malo, near Momeik, Myanmar
37mm x 27mm x 23mm
Mt. Antero, Chaffee Co., Colorado, USA
22mm x 15mm x 12mm
Phenakite - Type Locality (Rough & Cut Set)
Izumrudnye Kopi area, Malyshevo, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
60mm x 50mm x 30mm
Phenakite (twinned)
Phenakite Mine, Khetchel village, Molo quarter, Momeik Township, Kyaukme District, Shan State, Myanmar
20mm x 10mm x 10mm
Phenakite (twinned)
Molo quarter, Momeik Township, Kyaukme Dist., Myanmar (Burma)
20mm x 10mm
Phenakite (type locality specimen)
Izumrudnye, Malyshevo deposit, Ekaterinburg, Middle Urals, Russia
80mm x 60mm x 40mm
Phenakite (twin de foret à matrice rare) - Ohngaing, canton de Mogok, district de Pyin-Oo-Lwin, région de Mandalay, Myanmar (Birmanie)
Ohngaing, Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar (Burma)
28mm x 26mm x 24mm
Phenakite (old classic locale)
Malysheva, Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Russia
50mm x 40mm x 30mm
Volyn deposit, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine
16mm x 10mm x 5mm
Phenakite Mine, Momeik Township, Shan State, Myanmar
12mm x 8mm x 7mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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