Prehnite specimens
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Prehnite on Epidote with Laumontite
Diakon, Cercle de Boufalabe, Kayes Region, Mali
60mm x 40mm x 30mm
From: The Arkenstone
Prehnite + Adularia.
La Combe de la Selle, Bourg d'Oisans, France.
$458 *
115mm x 70mm x 60mm
From: A Bijoux
Prehnite finger cast after Anhydrite
Prospect Park Quarry (Sowerbutt Quarry; Vandermade Quarry; Warren Brothers Quarry), Prospect Park, Passaic County, New Jersey
37mm x 16mm x 14mm
From: Mineral Classics
Prehnite on Quartz
Prehnite prospect, Pine Creek area, Bishop District, Inyo Co., California, USA
101mm x 92mm x 58mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Prehnite Cast After Anhydrite
Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA
60mm x 60mm x 40mm
From: The Arkenstone
Prehnite finger cast after Anhydrite with Calcite
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48mm x 35mm x 21mm
From: Mineral Classics
Prehnite (unusual “fingers”)
Balochistan (Baluchistan), Pakistan
246mm x 231mm x 58mm
From: Mineral Classics
Prehnite on Tanzanite
Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mountains, Arusha Region, Tanzania
29mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: Marin Minerals
Arlington Stone Company Quarry, Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Virginia, USA
86mm x 68mm x 21mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Prehnite, Calcite, Quartz.
Goboboseb Mts, Brandberg, Namibia
$3241 *
70mm x 65mm x 35mm
From: A Bijoux
Prehnite Cast After Anhydrite
Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA
80mm x 60mm x 40mm
From: The Arkenstone
Prehnite finger cast after Anhydrite
Prospect Park Quarry (Sowerbutt Quarry; Vandermade Quarry; Warren Brothers Quarry), Prospect Park, Passaic County, New Jersey
48mm x 37mm x 25mm
From: Mineral Classics
Prehnite, Stilbite on Laumontite after Anhydrite
Prospect Park, New Jersey, USA
48mm x 40mm x 35mm
From: Marin Minerals
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