Cryolite  & Siderite
Cryolite  & Siderite Cryolite  & Siderite Cryolite  & Siderite
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Cryolite & Siderite (Ref: 6408)

Ivigtut | Arsuk Fjord | Sermersooq | Greenland
71mm x 50mm x 32mm
$374 *
This superb combination specimen with large, white to colorless translucent cleaves of Cryolite and olive-brown translucent Siderite rhombohedrons with clear cleavage planes. The specimen comes from undisputed the most famous deposit for the species (and TYPE LOCALITY), the Ivigtut Cryolite deposit in southwest Greenland. The centuries-old and only Cryolite mine (aluminium ore) of the world produced primarily in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, although good specimens such as this one were mined in the decades at the turn of the 19th century. It is now a very rare material that is hardly on the market anymore. The specimen comes with an historic, pre-WW II label from the Munich mineral dealership .
Data last checked on 12th Mar 2025 - specimen may no longer be available

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See Also

Bournonite on Siderite
Julcani Mine | Julcani District | Angaraes Province | Huancavelica | Peru
$374 *
62mm x 51mm x 34mm
Sphalerite & Siderite & Calcite
Pfaffenberg Mine | Neudorf | Harz | Saxony-Anhalt | Germany
$374 *
69mm x 56mm x 46mm
Siderite on Fluorite
Stolberg | Mansfeld | Harz | Saxony-Anhalt | Germany
$374 *
54mm x 45mm x 39mm
Chalcedony on Siderite
Hüttenberger Erzberg | Hüttenberg | Sankt Veit an der Glan | Carinthia | Austria
$160 *
54mm x 53mm x 31mm
Chalcopyrite on Siderite
Georg Mine | Willroth | Horhausen | Westerwald | Rhineland-Palatinate | Germany
$91 *
82mm x 63mm x 22mm
Apatite, Siderite
Panasquiera Mine, Barroca Grande, Portugal
33mm x 25mm x 17mm
Siderite, Quartz
62mm x 43mm x 37mm
Ludlamite with Siderite on Pyrite
Huanuni mine, Huanuni, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
32mm x 19mm x 17mm
Barite on Siderite
Estano Orcko mine, Colavi District, Saavedra Province, Potosi Department, Bolivia
54mm x 27mm x 13mm
Siderite + Quartz.
La Mure, Isère, France.
$339 *
58mm x 51mm x 35mm
From: A Bijoux
Siderite + Sphalerite.
Pierre Rousse Mine, Vizille, France.
$339 *
137mm x 59mm x 40mm
From: A Bijoux
Siderite + Bournonite.
Pierre Rousse Mine, Vizille, Isère, France
$339 *
58mm x 49mm x 30mm
From: A Bijoux
Siderite, Quartz.
Mésage Mine, Vizille, France.
$339 *
57mm x 37mm x 28mm
From: A Bijoux
Quartz + Siderite
Le Trou des Chasseurs, Vizille, France.
$339 *
70mm x 70mm x 55mm
From: A Bijoux
Siderite + Quartz. 3358.5 ct.
Vizille, Isère, France
$339 *
From: A Bijoux
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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