Zircon specimens
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Kyauk-pyat-that, Kyauk-pyat-that Zone, Mandalay Region, Myanmar (Burma)
30mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Zircon crystals on/after Siderite with Orthoclase, Quartz, and Aegirine
Mt. Malosa, Zomba, Southern Region, Malawi
110mm x 47mm x 23mm
From: Marin Minerals
Kufjord | Seiland Island | Alta | Finnmark | Norway
$542 *
54mm x 54mm x 36mm
From: Wendel Minerals
Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi
22mm x 19mm x 17mm
From: Quebul Fine Minerals
Zircon (fluor.) on Biotite and Hornblende
Seiland Island, Alta, Finnmark, Norway
70mm x 40mm x 30mm
From: The Arkenstone
Niobophyllite With Feldspar, Aegirine, Zircon
Mt Malosa, Zomba, Chilwa Alkaline Area, Malawi
40mm x 20mm x 10mm
From: The Arkenstone
Ambatofotsikely Pegmatite, Betsohana, Vakinankaratra, Madagascar
40mm x 30mm x 20mm
From: The Arkenstone
Zircon (spécimen de matrice RARE) - Kyauk-Pyat-That, Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar
44mm x 36mm x 18mm
From: Mineral Classics
Zircon with Biotite on Nepheline
Seiland, Alta, Finnmark Fylke, Norway
52mm x 50mm x 48mm
From: Bob Griffis Minerals
Zircon in Biotite
Seiland Island, Alta, Finnmark, Norway
$60 *
50mm x 30mm x 30mm
From: Taranis Minerals
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