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Gibson Road East occurrence, Monmouth Township, Highlands East Township, Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada
29mm x 29mm x 19mm
A superb specimen of fluoro-richterite crystals growing in a cluster from Gibson Road East occurrence, Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada. The crystals are prismatic with a parallel growth. They are well shaped and sharp, black, and strongly lustrous. In very good condition – some side contacts. On acrylic base., First grade quality fluoro-richterite!,  
Data last checked on 12th Mar 2025Buy now from Quebul Fine Minerals

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See Also

Quartz, Calcite
Greely Quartz Occurrence, Osgoode Township, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
27mm x 23mm x 17mm
Liscombe Deposit, Wilberforce, Monmouth Township, Ontario, Canada
28mm x 30mm x 32mm
Heights Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Northern Pennines, County Durham, England
38mm x 28mm x 15mm
Espanola, Foster Township, Sudbury District, Ontario, Canada
30mm x 20mm x 20mm
Roncari Quarry, East Granby, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
28mm x 23mm x 22mm
Heights Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Northern Pennines, County Durham, England
47mm x 27mm x 16mm
Quartz (var - “Milky Quartz”)
Ohio Mine, in the Ouray Amphitheater, east and above the town of Ouray, Ouray County, Colorado
78mm x 51mm x 46mm
Quartz Calcite.
Bor Pit, Dal'negorsk, Far-Eastern Region, Russia
$102 *
46mm x 33mm x 24mm
From: A Bijoux
Quartz Calcite.
Bor Pit, Dal'negorsk, Far-Eastern Region, Russia
$102 *
45mm x 28mm x 20mm
From: A Bijoux
Quartz stalactite
Phoenix Mine, Francistown, North-East District, Botswana
85mm x 38mm x 37mm
Garnet var. grossular, calcite GREECE
Marmaritsa, Maroneia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Greece
55mm x 45mm x 40mm
Cerro Cristal, north of the La Gaiba Mine, near Eastern border with Brazil, , Bolivia
434mm x 284mm x 284mm
Garnet var. grossular, calcite GREECE
Marmaritsa, Maroneia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Greece
45mm x 30mm x 25mm
Rutile, hematite EPITAXIAL
Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Northeast region, Brazil
27mm x 22mm x 6mm
Rutile, hematite EPITAXIAL
Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Northeast region, Brazil
28mm x 18mm x 8mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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