Malachite Malachite
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Malachite (Ref: 6487)

Anna Quarry | Letmathe | Hagen | North Rhine-Westphalia | Germany
65mm x 46mm x 46mm
$160 *
The abandoned Anna quarry near Letmathe in North Rhine-Westphalia produced during its active mining period a small number of good Malachite specimens,- and this is a very good sample from this classic locale. A vug in typically matrix hosts two intergrown sprays of dark but intense green, almost gemmy slightly tapering Malachite crystals up to 0,8 cm. This kind of material was always hard to come by and was consequently desired,- and the price here is exceedingly reasonable.
Data last checked on 16th Mar 2025 - specimen may no longer be available

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See Also

Azurite & Malachite
Hella Glück Mine | Neubulach | Calw | Black Forest | Baden-Württemberg | Germany
$192 *
92mm x 50mm x 41mm
Azurite & Malachite
Hella Glück Mine | Neubulach | Calw | Black Forest | Baden-Württemberg | Germany
$267 *
134mm x 77mm x 44mm
Friedrich Mine | Wissen | Siegen | Siegerland | Rhineland-Palatinate | Germany
$321 *
56mm x 48mm x 36mm
Tsumeb Mine (Tsumcorp Mine) | Tsumeb | Otjikoto Region | Namibia
$128 *
62mm x 36mm x 20mm
Malachite psm Azurite
Tsumeb Mine | Tsumeb | Otjikoto Region | Namibia
$257 *
42mm x 29mm x 22mm
Malachite pseud. after Chalcocite
M´Passa | Mindouli District | Pool Department | Republic of Congo
$321 *
77mm x 47mm x 31mm
Copper & Malachite
Wolf Mine | Herdorf | Siegerland | Rhineland-Palatinate | Germany
$481 *
108mm x 88mm x 60mm
Friedrich Mine | Wissen | Siegen | Siegerland | Rhineland-Palatinate | Germany
$695 *
72mm x 46mm x 44mm
Wulfenite & Malachite
Tsumeb Mine (Tsumcorp Mine) | Tsumeb | Otjikoto Region | Namibia
$588 *
64mm x 42mm x 26mm
Malachite pseudomorph after Azurite
Seabra | Bahia | Brazil
$641 *
51mm x 44mm x 38mm
Clinoclase on Cornwallite with Malachite & Azurite
Clara Mine, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
$128 *
22mm x 20mm x 15mm
Cerussite on Malachite
Rum Jungle, Northern Territories, Australia
55mm x 42mm x 18mm
Cerussite with Malachite
Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory, Australia
70mm x 60mm x 35mm
Glücksrad Mine | Oberschulenberg | Harz | Lower Saxony | Germany
$909 *
103mm x 86mm x 58mm
Azurite with Malachite
Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico
40mm x 25mm x 23mm
* price is an approximate conversion and may not be accurate.

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